Join our family in our leap of faith in what's to come in our life. We are blessed with two fantastically wonderful children! Thank you all for your love and support!!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
We lost our twins today. Please pray for us and our surrogate. She had a fall and miscarried. This is devastating news for all involved. :( :(
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Summer fun
Stevie and I went to a museum two weeks ago with my friend, Jen, and her two children. Stevie had such a great time there and we are looking forward to going back soon. Here are some cute pics from that day :)

Stevie on the Magic School Bus

Yes, he is drilling into an enormous set of teeth!

Playing alphabet puzzles :)
Then last weekend, Stephen played in a softball tournament out in Mocksville. Stevie and I went to the first game and then went home. Stephen's team ended up winning the tournament. He had a great time swinging the bat. Here are some pics of Stevie at the tournament, in his Yankees' helmet, of course!

Stevie on the Magic School Bus
Yes, he is drilling into an enormous set of teeth!
Playing alphabet puzzles :)
Then last weekend, Stephen played in a softball tournament out in Mocksville. Stevie and I went to the first game and then went home. Stephen's team ended up winning the tournament. He had a great time swinging the bat. Here are some pics of Stevie at the tournament, in his Yankees' helmet, of course!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
There is no better way to start a day than seeing a little skype bubble pop up from SI. Although we do have regular updates from the wonderful docs, we always are hungry for more information. It had been about a week from our last contact with Dr. S and Dr. Y about our lovely beta numbers and we were getting antsy! We knew the numbers were a bit on the high side, but still well within the singleton statistics. We desperately wanted to know how many little embies were hanging out with us for the next nine months. We checked our emails, did research trying to predict it ourselves, and even test drove cars that are a bit bigger, just in case.
Well.... Dr. S asked us today how we would like to have twins, because that is what we are having!!! I had an exciting conversation with him this morning and he told us the news. I was so excited and overwhelmed, that I cried all the way to work. I called Stephen (who is out of town) and told him the news. We were both elated. This is just what we wanted. We wanted a family of three.
Over the course of the day, things started piecing together in my mind from the last two years. Many people have told me today, "When God brings you through troubles, he doubles the blessing." Ok, I am not sure if that is it word for word, but it is the meaning that counts. I know why those horrifying things happened to me, I know why the other surgeries to open my uterus were not successful, I know why we are where we are in our life. I know this because it makes sense now. We are bringing two beautiful babies into our family, into this world, that were made out of a love so strong between Stephen and I. We are helping Ms. K. and her family to give them better things in their lives. What better way to live than helping people? Stephen and I will never find enough ways to thank the SI docs, the SI team, and Ms. K. for what they are giving to us. They are giving us the greatest gift, a miracle, well... two miracles. Long before that though, they gave us hope. They gave us hope that we could have the family that we wanted, that I could have more children, most importantly, that I was not broken.
Not too many people know how we struggled after Dr. I-don't-care-that-you-are-bleeding-to-death sent us home, only to be rushed back again the next day. We went through endless boxes of tissues, crying and wondering why. Why did that happen, how could he let it happen, and most of all, we wondered how we were going to pick up our pieces and move on. It was not pretty, it was not quick, it was not over until very, very recently. But, it is clear to me now, so very clear. It was to bring us to this. Was it the best road to get here? No way! But, it is bringing us children that were meant for us and meant to happen this way. I will be grateful for that always. I could never have duplicated these two blessings that are coming into our life, even if I could get pregnant. That is the true miracle.
Enough with the reminiscing, I have to get back to school work. My mom told me that I had to blog today for the ladies at her work!! Shout out to AW Meyers!! Thank you again for reading this and supporting us. Please pray that we have a very, very boring, uneventful, and healthy nine months! P.S. the title of this blog reads "twins" in Hindi ;)
Life, even in the hardest times, is full of moments to savor. They will not come this way again, not in this way.
Paula Rinehart
Well.... Dr. S asked us today how we would like to have twins, because that is what we are having!!! I had an exciting conversation with him this morning and he told us the news. I was so excited and overwhelmed, that I cried all the way to work. I called Stephen (who is out of town) and told him the news. We were both elated. This is just what we wanted. We wanted a family of three.
Over the course of the day, things started piecing together in my mind from the last two years. Many people have told me today, "When God brings you through troubles, he doubles the blessing." Ok, I am not sure if that is it word for word, but it is the meaning that counts. I know why those horrifying things happened to me, I know why the other surgeries to open my uterus were not successful, I know why we are where we are in our life. I know this because it makes sense now. We are bringing two beautiful babies into our family, into this world, that were made out of a love so strong between Stephen and I. We are helping Ms. K. and her family to give them better things in their lives. What better way to live than helping people? Stephen and I will never find enough ways to thank the SI docs, the SI team, and Ms. K. for what they are giving to us. They are giving us the greatest gift, a miracle, well... two miracles. Long before that though, they gave us hope. They gave us hope that we could have the family that we wanted, that I could have more children, most importantly, that I was not broken.
Not too many people know how we struggled after Dr. I-don't-care-that-you-are-bleeding-to-death sent us home, only to be rushed back again the next day. We went through endless boxes of tissues, crying and wondering why. Why did that happen, how could he let it happen, and most of all, we wondered how we were going to pick up our pieces and move on. It was not pretty, it was not quick, it was not over until very, very recently. But, it is clear to me now, so very clear. It was to bring us to this. Was it the best road to get here? No way! But, it is bringing us children that were meant for us and meant to happen this way. I will be grateful for that always. I could never have duplicated these two blessings that are coming into our life, even if I could get pregnant. That is the true miracle.
Enough with the reminiscing, I have to get back to school work. My mom told me that I had to blog today for the ladies at her work!! Shout out to AW Meyers!! Thank you again for reading this and supporting us. Please pray that we have a very, very boring, uneventful, and healthy nine months! P.S. the title of this blog reads "twins" in Hindi ;)
Life, even in the hardest times, is full of moments to savor. They will not come this way again, not in this way.
Paula Rinehart
Sunday, August 9, 2009
We are still on cloud nine over our news! Our prayers have been answered, our wounds are healing, and we are so thankful for what is happening in our life right now. Stephen and I celebrated our 4th anniversary this past Thursday. The night before, we found out we were pregnant. There will never be a better anniversary gift than that! For all of you who inquired, our first HCG (or beta) was 574. Pretty strong for a first number. We pray that Ms. K. is feeling good and as excited as we are. We have asked SI how she is doing and we have been told that she is in good spirits and otherwise well. Thank you for ALL the emails, phone calls, PM's, text messages, and every other way we were contacted. We are so happy to share this wonderful news with you :)
Back to our anniversary, I told Stephen that it felt like we have been married for much longer just because of all the things we have been through so far. Our marriage has been tested time and again and has only strengthened. We have been through 3 houses, 2 cars, deaths, birth, emergencies, 30th birthdays, numerous surgeries, and everything in between. We both feel like our wounds are healing and we can really put the past in the past, where it belongs. We have changed the way we think of things, how we perceive what has happened to us, and feel that there is only more good to come out of our life together. We are so grateful to have each other and truly know that we were meant to be.
Stevie has an update of his own, tomorrow he is "unofficially" starting preschool. We are starting him with two days this week and then full time next week. We all went there on Friday to let him look around and get comfortable with the new surroundings. He saw some friends that he knows and immediately went to the "beep beep" car. He had a great time. He kept telling me today that he was going to school tomorrow to do work. How cute! If he only knew how many years of "work" are to come. Otherwise, he is enjoying his summer and his time with me. We hang out in the morning and then swim or play in the afternoon. He is finally back to a regular bedtime schedule in his crib (thanks mom and all others who skipped the crib)... ;) Just teasing. It was somewhat of a challenge to get him into his routine.
So, Stevie and I are both going to school tomorrow. I decided to pop in my room and start getting things set up. It should be quiet and those are usually the best days to work. I am still thinking of a way to explain to my students that we are having a baby, but I will not look pregnant. hmmm.... any suggestions, let me know.
We have decided to repaint the dining room. It is a beautiful red, but a few weeks ago, I found new linens that are brown and blue. I am in love with these linens and want to repaint to show them off. Thankfully, Stephen is pretty easy about that stuff and agreed. I just have to get the time to do it now.
I think these are all the thoughts that have been wandering in my mind for my latest post. Hope you all enjoyed reading thus far and you have a great day :)

Stevie in my dad's 54 Ford, cruisin' for chicks...

Peter testing the riding lawn mower... I believe he liked it! Pete, you can mow ANYTIME!!!

Stevie in his "beep beep" car at Gamma and Umpa's

Stevie with my glasses, going to do "work"
Back to our anniversary, I told Stephen that it felt like we have been married for much longer just because of all the things we have been through so far. Our marriage has been tested time and again and has only strengthened. We have been through 3 houses, 2 cars, deaths, birth, emergencies, 30th birthdays, numerous surgeries, and everything in between. We both feel like our wounds are healing and we can really put the past in the past, where it belongs. We have changed the way we think of things, how we perceive what has happened to us, and feel that there is only more good to come out of our life together. We are so grateful to have each other and truly know that we were meant to be.
Stevie has an update of his own, tomorrow he is "unofficially" starting preschool. We are starting him with two days this week and then full time next week. We all went there on Friday to let him look around and get comfortable with the new surroundings. He saw some friends that he knows and immediately went to the "beep beep" car. He had a great time. He kept telling me today that he was going to school tomorrow to do work. How cute! If he only knew how many years of "work" are to come. Otherwise, he is enjoying his summer and his time with me. We hang out in the morning and then swim or play in the afternoon. He is finally back to a regular bedtime schedule in his crib (thanks mom and all others who skipped the crib)... ;) Just teasing. It was somewhat of a challenge to get him into his routine.
So, Stevie and I are both going to school tomorrow. I decided to pop in my room and start getting things set up. It should be quiet and those are usually the best days to work. I am still thinking of a way to explain to my students that we are having a baby, but I will not look pregnant. hmmm.... any suggestions, let me know.
We have decided to repaint the dining room. It is a beautiful red, but a few weeks ago, I found new linens that are brown and blue. I am in love with these linens and want to repaint to show them off. Thankfully, Stephen is pretty easy about that stuff and agreed. I just have to get the time to do it now.
I think these are all the thoughts that have been wandering in my mind for my latest post. Hope you all enjoyed reading thus far and you have a great day :)
Stevie in my dad's 54 Ford, cruisin' for chicks...
Peter testing the riding lawn mower... I believe he liked it! Pete, you can mow ANYTIME!!!
Stevie in his "beep beep" car at Gamma and Umpa's
Stevie with my glasses, going to do "work"
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Drum Roll Please............
We received a phone call about 11:30 pm last night with the results of our transfer and..... we have a POSITIVE pregnancy!!!!!!!!!!! We cried and cried and cried. Most of you know the struggles we have gone through since Stephen's birth. We are just so thankful for all the great things that are in our life right now and for all the things to come! A big thanks to all of our family, friends, "surro" friends, and of course the wonderful SI team!!! Without your love, support, and comments, we wouldn't have been so strong and determined! Thank you again :) :) :)
Saturday, August 1, 2009
is one of my best virtues, not Stephen's though. Surprisingly, we have been very calm during our two week wait. It may be that we have a two year old running circles around us. He doesn't leave much time for our thoughts, so we stay positive.
I recently received a book called Happily Grateful from my mom's boss. She gave it to us for our trip to India. I read through it again tonight and came across my new favorite quote. It sums up our attitude for the next few days!
"Today I live in the quiet, joyous expectation of good."
Ernest Holman
Enough said, we patiently wait :)
I recently received a book called Happily Grateful from my mom's boss. She gave it to us for our trip to India. I read through it again tonight and came across my new favorite quote. It sums up our attitude for the next few days!
"Today I live in the quiet, joyous expectation of good."
Ernest Holman
Enough said, we patiently wait :)
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