Back to our anniversary, I told Stephen that it felt like we have been married for much longer just because of all the things we have been through so far. Our marriage has been tested time and again and has only strengthened. We have been through 3 houses, 2 cars, deaths, birth, emergencies, 30th birthdays, numerous surgeries, and everything in between. We both feel like our wounds are healing and we can really put the past in the past, where it belongs. We have changed the way we think of things, how we perceive what has happened to us, and feel that there is only more good to come out of our life together. We are so grateful to have each other and truly know that we were meant to be.
Stevie has an update of his own, tomorrow he is "unofficially" starting preschool. We are starting him with two days this week and then full time next week. We all went there on Friday to let him look around and get comfortable with the new surroundings. He saw some friends that he knows and immediately went to the "beep beep" car. He had a great time. He kept telling me today that he was going to school tomorrow to do work. How cute! If he only knew how many years of "work" are to come. Otherwise, he is enjoying his summer and his time with me. We hang out in the morning and then swim or play in the afternoon. He is finally back to a regular bedtime schedule in his crib (thanks mom and all others who skipped the crib)... ;) Just teasing. It was somewhat of a challenge to get him into his routine.
So, Stevie and I are both going to school tomorrow. I decided to pop in my room and start getting things set up. It should be quiet and those are usually the best days to work. I am still thinking of a way to explain to my students that we are having a baby, but I will not look pregnant. hmmm.... any suggestions, let me know.
We have decided to repaint the dining room. It is a beautiful red, but a few weeks ago, I found new linens that are brown and blue. I am in love with these linens and want to repaint to show them off. Thankfully, Stephen is pretty easy about that stuff and agreed. I just have to get the time to do it now.
I think these are all the thoughts that have been wandering in my mind for my latest post. Hope you all enjoyed reading thus far and you have a great day :)
Stevie in my dad's 54 Ford, cruisin' for chicks...
Peter testing the riding lawn mower... I believe he liked it! Pete, you can mow ANYTIME!!!
Stevie in his "beep beep" car at Gamma and Umpa's
Stevie with my glasses, going to do "work"
Awwwwww Daria, he is such a cutie!!!
Daria, I cannot be more hapy for u guys. I have followed you from the beginning and have the opppurtunity to follow up until the end :)
It gives us so much hope and optimism for our attempt. All the best and Stevie is soooo cute. :)
I love you guys SOOoo much, and am so happy for you. Thank you for the birthday greetings and the pictures of Stevie..
Happy thoughts and blessings to you all!
I love the picture with your glasses on, What a riot!
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